Total funds raised to-date: $70,863.09
Total non-monetary contributions to-date: $70,483.27
Total dollars spent to-date: $35,488.68
-The Kearney Community Hall Board held two formal meetings in 2016
- Red Path Ranch agreed to donate the land on which the Hall sets plus additional area for septic system and parking.
- Nelson Engineering completed survey for subdivision.
– Christmas lights were put up.
- Bob Springsteen at Atlantic Roofing coordinated donation of Malarkey shingles for the roof of the Hall through R & S Supply in Billings, and he (Atlantic Roofing) contributed labor/installation
- Architect Brandon Vince completed drawings and the committee settled on a design for kitchen and bathroom remodeling as coordinated with DeWayne Hinz of the State Consumer Health Services.
- Matt Parker of Parker Glass agreed to donate glass clips, and putty for window repair.
- Dave Ramsey of Ramsey Enterprises installed the parts needed to stub out the vent for the heater in the meeting room so we could go ahead with the roofing. He agreed to clean the existing stove in the meeting room and to complete needed maintenance of the fireplace.
- We held a work day with 18 participants cleaning, mowing, doing shrub removal, and floor and ceiling removal.
- An agreement was brokered with Reiman Corporation to use our parking lot as a staging area for construction project in return for heavy equipment services.
- Subcommittee (Kate and Victor) developed plans and commitments to reconstruct the outhouses.
- Shane Electric contributed a new electric service with wiring to outdoor lights.
- Individual contributions
- Johnson County Recreation District Board awarded us $20,000 for the project.
- We held a March 5, 2016 benefit dance